Bunny Buckets | Spreading Spring Cheer

You may remember that last fall I was introduced to the idea of Boo Buckets by my friend Wendy. I might also have mentioned at that time that I live under a rock and I had no idea that people were doing this in my neighborhood. They definitely were, though. In fact, it continued all the way into the Christmas season – so fun!

In the interest of never being able to get too much of a good thing, I decided that some spring cheer, in the form of bunny buckets, was in order for my most favorite friends and neighbors. The boys and I hit up the awesome Easter section at Target and gathered up all of our supplies. Then we found some buckets that were the perfect size and made a quick trip to Michael’s for everything else we needed.

Bunny Buckets | Spreading Spring Cheer - chaosandlove.com

We borrowed (again) Wendy’s genius idea of baking supplies and, of course, added a bit of candy for good measure. Luke and I worked together on little hanging door signs that we used in place of the printable signs we had used in our Halloween baskets.

Bunny Buckets | Spreading Spring Cheer - chaosandlove.com

We ModPodged one side of these foam egg cutouts with paper and the other with colored burlap. Then we added a printable (here in full size, here smaller for this sign) sign and let them dry. Then we punched a tiny hole in the top and strung through some twine. So easy and totally cute as Spring decor – even if you aren’t planning to make any bunny buckets for your neighbors.

One of the best parts of this whole thing is how excited my boys get to surprise people with the buckets. They totally fight over who gets to carry the bunny buckets to the door and kind of love the idea that no one knows who they are coming from. Bunny buckets are such a fun tradition and I’m glad we started it while the boys are still small enough to enjoy it.

Bunny Buckets | Spreading Spring Cheer - chaosandlove.com


  1. says

    This is such a cute idea, Jessica! I’ve never heard of this sort of thing until now and just LOVE it! I can’t wait to make a couple with my kids to surprise some friends :)

  2. Anna says

    This will be the perfect Spring Break activity to do with my kids. Thank you for the idea and the super cute printable! Pinning!
    Anna recently posted…Power of She | Day 1My Profile


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