Summer Fun & Pool Safety

I received an iSwimband for the purpose of this review. This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.

I’m really not sure what happened to this past winter, but it’s gone. We’ve spent a couple of days at the pool already and it’s still March. I mean, really?!


But here’s the thing that troubles me most. My kids aren’t great swimmers yet. They are okay (and Luke will wear floaties if I ask him to) but not good enough that I’m willing to take my eyes off of them for even a second. Pool time is stressful for me – especially when I’m on my own with them.


When I saw the iSwimband the first time, I thought it was pretty genius. I mean, NOTHING takes the place of watching your kids in the pool, OF COURSE, but I loved the idea of having a “second set of eyes” so that maybe I could at least breathe when I had the kids at the pool.


The band is worn either around the wrist or on the forehead and detects when it’s been submerged for longer than a predetermined amount of time. An alert is then sent to your Bluetooth-enabled phone, tablet, or music player. Pretty cool, right?


And it is that cool. But did I worry less? Of course not. Because I’m the mom and that’s what moms do. Ultimately, what we really need is more swim lessons and a full summer at the pool. But as an added layer of prevention, I definitely like the iSwimband and think it’s well worth the $80 price tag.

Connect with iSwimband on and .

What are your best tips for keeping the kids safe around water this summer? Any genius ideas for teaching kids to swim?

I received an iSwimband for the purpose of this review. This post was made possible by Mom Spark Media. Thoughts are my own.