World Market Giveaway + Summer Blogging

Today, I interrupt the normally scheduled Blog Talk Thursday to tell you about how I wish I was blogging RIGHT THIS MINUTE from my backyard, surrounded by World Market’s Outdoor Collection. I mean, have you seen it? Sigh.

World Market Giveaway |

Photo Credit – World Market

World Market Giveaway |

Photo Credit – World Market

World Market Giveaway |

Photo Credit – World Market

This is NOT a sponsored post but I sure wish it was because I would love to have any or all of these things in my backyard. I’d spend all summer out there – even if it is gonna be a bajillion degrees! I just truly love this collection and thought today would be a good day to talk about it since I’m co-hosting a $50 World Market giveaway!

Want in? Good. Just enter via the Rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

06.26.14 World Marke Giveaway -


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