Paleo Treats: 5 Recipes You Need to Try

This has NOT been a good eating week. The combination of too little time and raging hormones has resulted in a lot of poor food choices. Thankfully, there has been a decent amount of exercise to balance it all out but I’m still not feeling all that awesome.

Whatever it takes to make it through each day is my current mode of operation because I don’t seem to have enough time to get ahead of the game. When I CAN plan ahead I will sometimes make paleo treats so the kids and I have something to snack on that is at least moderately healthy. That usually keeps me from falling off the deep end.

When I’m being good, I prefer paleo treats with no sugar for myself because I don’t need it + it makes me crazy. I tend to be more lenient when it comes to the kids. They aren’t paleo yet and the sugar in the paleo treats I’m making is natural and unrefined so it’s not like I’m handing them an Oreo or twelve.

We’ve found several paleo treats that we all love over the course of the last year. Some are more dessert-like while others I’m totally comfortable packing in Joey’s school lunch. He can’t have nuts at snack, though, so we save those treats made with nuts or nut flours for home. No biggie.

One note of caution about paleo treats – don’t go into them thinking they are going to taste like the traditional treats you’re used to. Some are really awesome and have significant likeness, but others can be disappointing. Don’t be discouraged, just keep trying recipes until you find something you like.

Paleo Treats: 5 Recipes You Need to Try | Chaos & Love

In no particular order, these are a few of our favorite paleo treats:

Primal Cookie Dough Power Bars from Cheeky Kitchen

Gut Healing Gummy Snacks from Primal Palate

Blueberry Apple Pie Trail Mix Balls from PaleOMG

Blueberry Breakfast Cookies from Paleo Parents

Lemony/Carrot Apple Bombs from The Urban Poser

Looking for more paleo goodness? Check out these AWESOME ROUNDUP posts as well for some great ideas, many of them compliant!

Slow Cooker | Sugar Detox | Popsicles | Apps + Snacks

Soups | School Lunches | Family Favorites


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