Adventures in Pinterest | Mini Mexi Meatloaf

I had lots of big ideas for this month’s Adventures in Pinterest post but, as usual, life happened and I didn’t get everything done that I would have liked. I still have a fun thing or two coming this month, but for now I have this.

I’m sure a lot of you have seen in your Pinterest feeds. It looks amazing, right? I was really anxious to try it the moment i first saw it but I had a whole week worth of pre-prepped food to get through so I had to wait. In the meantime, I came across this recipe for mini meatzas and an idea was born.

I posted my recipe for Mexican Meatza a while back but we haven’t made it a ton because, well, it can be kind of heavy. The meat plus the cheese plus all the toppings can be a a lot. What that recipe really needs is a little less cheese and some portion control. And all of that, my friends, is where Mini Mexi Meatloaf was born.

Adventures in Pinterest | Mini Mexi Meatloaf |

Not only is this mini meatloaf delicious, it’s also super quick to assemble. The hardest part of the whole thing is mashing together all the super cold meatloaf in ingredients with your bare hands. But seriously, that takes 3 minutes. The rest is just baking time which makes it my favorite kind of weeknight recipe.

So now that you’ve seen what I was up to this month, I’d love for you to share your Pinterest projects. This month’s host is Megan – head on over to MamaBub to link up your projects! Please be sure to share our button so that others can find us!


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Linking up with The Inspiration Exchange and Tip Me Tuesday.


  1. Megan @ Mama Bub says

    Mashing the cold ingredients is always the worst part! These look good.
    Megan @ Mama Bub recently posted…My Profile


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