Facebook App: Get Control of Your Mobile Feed

Sometimes when I open the Facebook app on my phone, my head explodes. There never seems to be any logical order to the way that Facebook organizes what’s in my feed. Posts from yesterday or 5 minutes ago, posts that I probably care about mixed with an equal number that I couldn’t care less about. It’s a mess.

So how can you make the Facebook app work for you? Let me tell you, friends.

First, you’re gonna want to make some interest lists. My super smart friend, Wendy, has a great tutorial for that . Since interest lists can include people or pages or both, they’re seriously an awesome Facebook organizing tool.

I’m sure someone is thinking “ugh, who has time for this?” – and I TOTALLY get it –  but believe me when I say that interest lists will change your life. I have one for blog pages I like to follow closely, one for friends whose stuff I actually want to see on the regular, one for family, the possibilities are endless y’all.

So once you have your interest lists all set up, this gets really easy. To access them on the Facebook app, all you have to is scroll all the way up to the top and tap that little rectangle that probably says, “News Feed”.

At this point, you get a short, 1-3 option, drop down. One of these options is “Most Recent”. I use this a ton because I usually want to see and respond to what people are posting NOW, not 12 hours ago.

But wait. Don’t miss the most important part. At the very bottom of that short menu, there’s a tiny, grey arrow. Tap that and viola – you will be able to select from any of your interest lists (along with a variety of other options) and see a filtered version of your feed.

Don’t fret if you have to scroll down to find your interest lists. After a few times, the lists you use most from your Facebook app will start appearing in that first, shorter drop down so this process becomes that much easier.

So that’s pretty simple, right? Now go forth and make your Facebook app work for you.


  1. Ernie Valencia says

    Great tip, but us there anyway to make your Newsfeed default to Recent?

    • says

      Not that I know of – it’s all part of Facebook’s master plan to make you see what THEY want you to see.

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