Burger in a Bowl | Easy Recipe

I developed some pretty major food aversions when I was pregnant with Joey. I mean, I literally could not be in the same room with a chicken breast or Chinese food. And while I can now enter a Chinese restaurant without vomiting, I’m still not a huge fan of either.

I tend to eat a lot of ground beef as a result of the chicken aversion plus attempting to eat cleaner. High quality ground beef tends to be far less expensive than high quality chicken so that’s definitely a bonus. Also, it’s super versatile and pretty darn hard to screw up. Those are key when you’re kitchen skills are on the low end of the spectrum.

Since going part time paleo and gluten-free, I’ve migrated from your standard burger to the bunless variety – sometimes I give up the burger format altogether which is also awesome. A lot of nights, I just cook up some crumbled ground beef with onions and mushrooms then top with homemade mayo, mustard and sliced banana peppers. So good!

More recently I discovered the wonder that is burger bowls at The Counter. Holy deliciousness, friends. Juicy burger and yummy toppings on a bed of lettuce – doesn’t get much better. My husband got so tired of listening to me go on and on about burger bowls that he decided to create one at home using some burger patties we picked up in bulk at Sam’s Club.


The only thing that could have made this burger better was some bacon and maybe some avocado. Mmmm. What goes on your dream burger?


  1. Anna says

    This is so yummy. I’m a huge fan of eggs on burgers. And if I can eat a burger and not miss a bun, then you know it’s good!
    Anna recently posted…Power of She Day 25 | Girl Power for My BoyMy Profile


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