Back to School + Apple TV Giveaway

If you’re not new to this blog, then you will already know that Joey started school a week and a half ago. The first day of school was a little traumatic (for me) and very exciting (for him). I wasn’t totally sure he understood what was coming but the fact that he didn’t sleep at all the night before was telling.

He practically bounced his way to school that first morning. He carried his backpack, he asked me to carry it, he held my hand, he held Sal’s hand. And when we arrived, he didn’t seem overwhelmed for even a second. His reaction could only be described as sheer joy.

Back to School + Apple TV Giveaway | Chaos & Love

The only tiny snafu we had was related to the name tags his teacher had laid out for the kids. Joey ran up to the table to find his and was disappointed to see that there wasn’t one with J-O-E-Y on it. Of course, the teacher had used the names she was given to make the tags, so his was the one with J-O-S-E-P-H. Try explaining that to the kid who spent the summer learning to spell his name.

Back to School + Apple TV Giveaway

I tried to get him to wear the Joseph name tag, but he just couldn’t do it so we explained the issue to his teacher. She was super sweet about it and made him a new one on the spot. He was ready to get on with his day after that and asked us nicely if we could leave. That’s when I teared up behind my sunglasses.

Back to School + Apple TV Giveaway | Chaos & Love

Getting into the new routine of school every day has been interesting for all of us. Joey tends to be a night owl so we’ve needed to adjust his sleep schedule some and I’ve needed to make the timeto pack his lunch and set his clothes out. Sal and Luke walk him to school in the mornings which has shifted their day, too. Overall, though, it’s going well.

Several people have asked me about Joey’s “I’m in TK” sign. You can find the whole set of first day of school printables I used here. My friend Mama Bub was nice enough to add in a special sign for Joey as he starts in California’s transitional kindergarten program – a gap-filler of sorts that was created when the state made an adjustment to the qualifying age for kindergarten.

And now that I’m done blathering about my kid, how about something fun? I’ve teamed up with some of my most favorite bloggers for an Apple-licious Giveaway in honor of the first day of school and the end of summer!

Back to School + Apple TV Giveaway | Chaos & Love

Awesome prize, right? We love, love, love our Apple TV – it’s easy for everyone (even Luke) to use and allows us to have one less cable box in the house which definitely helps the budget. And, really, who doesn’t need a $100 iTunes gift card and a great pair of ear phones?

All you need to do to enter is log in to the Rafflecopter widget below and leave us your email address. It’s strictly for contact purposes should you win the giveaway so don’t worry that anyone’s going to be spamming you. I promise they won’t.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The “Apple-licious” giveaway begins Monday August 26 and ends at 12:00 AM on Sunday, September 1, 2013.
Giveaway is open to U.S. and Canadian residents only. Void where prohibited.
All entries are optional with the exception of providing an email address so that we may contact you if you were to win. We will never sell, distribute, or spam your email.
One winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter (powered by The winner will receive an Apple TV (valued at $99,) a $100 iTunes gift card, and one pair of Yurbuds (valued at $59.95.) The gift card may not be exchanged for cash.
This is a non-sponsored post. Prizes were purchased by a group of participating bloggers. Apple and Yurbuds are not affiliated with this giveaway.
This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. You understand that you are providing your information to the owner of this Facebook page and not to Facebook.
This promotion is powered by Rafflecopter. Metric Feat LLC (“Rafflecopter”) does not sponsor, administer, or endorse this promotion. Participants must read and agree to Rafflecopter’s Privacy Policy before entering and participating in this promotion.

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