30 Day Challenge: Finishing What I Started

I’ve never been very good at focusing my attention on any one thing for any length of time. I read or internet while I watch TV, I have 72 unfinished craft projects and I’m always losing things. A friend once labeled this “shiny object syndrome” which I guess fits as well as any other name. I used to wonder if I have mild ADD but my doctor swears I do not.

For this month’s 30 day challenge, I have decided I’m going to tackle some of my unfinished projects. These will be anything from finally blogging a favorite recipe to decorating the boys’ bathroom to reading an actual book for the first time in ages. There are so many things to choose from, I don’t think it’s likely that I will get bored before the end of these 30 days. At least I hope not.

One of my goals with this 30 day challenge is to find that sweet spot between doing what I HAVE to do and doing what I WANT to do. Last March at Bloggy Bootcamp in Phoenix, I listened to Danielle Smith and Tiffany Romero talk about how there is no such thing as balance in life and that rather than seeking it, we should focus on what we’re doing in the moment and do it. It’s a perfect mind set for me heading into 2014.

First up on my list of things to tackle is the starting tomorrow. I’ve written about these detoxes before but I haven’t been successful in finishing one for a while. Throughout the month, I will be posting some favorite recipes, tips and tricks and various other things related to successfully completing a sugar detox. In the meantime, check out Anna’s 30 Days of No Sugar for her perspective.

I’ve got some other really fun things in mind for this coming month. I hope you’ll check back frequently as I work on finishing what I started.



  1. Anna says

    Love this challenge. This morning I could’ve sworn I had New Year induced ADD. I would start one thing and not finish it before starting something else. It makes it so hard to be productive. So I’m excited to see what all you get done this month! And Yay for the sugar detox. I might jump on that bandwagon too.
    Anna recently posted…30 Day Challenges Day 3 | Why Accountability MattersMy Profile

  2. says

    I would need many more than 30 days to finish all of my projects, ha! Great idea. I’m looking forward to reading about yours!!

    • Jessica Ferrara says

      Agreed I just hoping to tackle SOME of mine.


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