Meal Plan Monday – Whole Life Challenge Edition

Summer is going to be here before I know it and once again, I am not in the shape I’d really like to be. I’ve been working really hard at cutting myself some slack in the healthy living realm in an effort to preserve my mental health but I’ve gone a bit off the deep end.

When my friend Sara shared her amazing results from the Whole Life Challenge and how she had gotten there, I knew this was something I wanted to do. The premise of the Whole Life Challenge is making small, achievable changes to a healthier you. It’s definitely not an all-or-nothing plan and I love that.

The other awesome thing is that the Whole Life Challenge aligns really closely to the paleo lifestyle that I’ve been trying to live. There are several levels of the program, some more lenient than others, but all are about eating whole foods and cutting out the crap. Love it!


In order to be prepared for the week ahead, I took a little time to do some meal planning this past weekend. I’m always so much more successful when I have a plan – not to mention the money I save and time I gain from not having to hunt down lunch everyday. I’m planning to get a little exercise in on my workdays with a walk to Starbucks for iced tea at lunch.

Dinners will need to be simple because, by the time I get home, there just isn’t much time. I need something I can throw together and eat quick on my way up to do the bath and bed routine with my boys. It also needs to be light so that I can go straight into the nightly yoga and meditation practice I’m planning to implement.

So here’s my meal plan for week one of the Whole Life Challenge –


Buffalo Chicken Egg Muffins from Balanced Bites

Paleo Breakfast Sausage Scotch Eggs from Stupid Easy Paleo


Fruit, Yogurt & Chia Parfaits from Iowa Girl Eats

Roasted Chicken Thighs with Lemon Cucumber Noodles from Civilized Caveman


Spaghetti Squash with Sausage from White on Rice Couple

Pastrami and Pickles in Radicchio Wrap from (affiliate link)

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    • says

      They will eat some of it but not all. That’s the advantage of my crazy schedule – I don’t eat most meals with them. I mean, it sucks but it also makes stuff like this easier.

  1. says

    Two words: Pastrami and Pickles = sold.
    This week wasn’t as hard, food wise, as I had thought it would be. The nightly need for wanting something sweet is killing me though. I need to dig out my copy of the 21 Day Detox…I think she had some sweet alternatives there. AND…what’s your banana ice cream recipe??
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