Caffeinated Crafters Tuesday Link Party #12

Welcome to the Caffeinated Crafters Tuesday Link Party #12! We knew there were some talented folks out there when we started this party, but have been seriously blown away at all the pure awesomeness we have seen linked up each week.

Back to school season is in full swing. And there are so many awesome ideas out there – may of them were shared in last week’s link party!

Apparently its also time to get back to eating healthy by the looks of all the fabulous recipes we had link up last week. Some DELICIOUS veggie dishes were linked up and we are HAPPY to be featuring those this week.

Super Yummy End of Summer Veggie Dishes -

Zucchini, Tomato and Potato Casserole – By Frugal Mom Eh

Colorful Summer Squash Salad – By Natural Chow

Tex Mex Stuffed Bell Peppers (with Quinoa) – By Chrystal & Co

If you are featured, don’t forget to grab the button.

Features and other favorites are pinned to our group board so be sure you are following along!

Link Party Rules

We’d love for you to link up your creative projects – crafts, tutorials, DIY, recipes – whatever you make… we wanna to see it!

  • Please follow our group board on Pinterest for the
  • Also, share the love by visiting 2-3 other links and commenting, pinning, or sharing on social media. We totally encourage supporting your fellow bloggers.
  • By linking up, you are giving the Caffeinated Crafters permission to use your photos and links on our blogs and across social media. Of course, we’ll always give you proper credit!
  • By linking up, you also give us permission to email you a friendly reminder each week to link up! You can remove yourself from this mailing list at any time.
  • Please do not link up to shops, giveaways, or other link parties.
  • Have fun! The link up closes on Friday at midnight!

Thank you for joining along with the Caffeinated Crafters Link Party!