DIY Tent for Kids | Adventures in Pinterest

I have been dreaming of making this tent for the boys since my friend Melanie from Artzy Creations put up her tutorial. The instructions looked easy enough that, even though I’m not (yet) awesome with power tools, I thought I could handle it. And for anyone who isn’t me, it probably would have been a super quick project.

This Pinterest adventure started with a trip to Home Depot. Sigh. This is where I should probably confess that the mere THOUGHT of a trip to Home Depot gives me anxiety. I don’t know what it is about that store, but I always have so much trouble finding anything there and never feel like anyone wants to help. This day, though, was the exception. I found what I was looking for, I someone to cut the wood for me, it was a successful trip overall.

DIY Tent for Kids - #crafts #summer

Almost everything about this project went as planned – the only real exceptions being my lack of appropriate power tools and one little hiccup where the dowels that make the spine of the tent didn’t quite fit into the holes we had drilled into the frame pieces. A small amount of sanding and whittling solved that, though, and then we were on our way.

DIY Tent for Kids | #crafts #summer

For the tent cover, I used a flat sheet I found on clearance at Target. I cut it down to the appropriate size, used iron-on hem tape for the raw edges and then sewed on the 4 pieces of velcro as Melanie suggested. This part is way more up my alley so it went really smoothly, of course.

DIY Tent for Kids | #crafts #summer

Overall, I’d call this a Pinterest win. The boys ate their dinner in their new tent (we’ll eventually have two) and are already asking me if they can use them when they have a sleepover with their cousin this summer. The ONLY down side I can see is that it’s not a beginner project. I had to call in the big guns (my Mom) to get mine done.

DIY Tent for Kids -

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The Creative Collection | Monday Funday

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