Superhero Cape Tutorial on Bonbon Break

A couple of years ago, we threw Joey a superhero birthday party. There were banners and signs and balloons and capes. We kept the theme pretty generic because, no joke, his favorite superhero was changing by the minute at that point. The capes were our favors and they were perfect.


Those personalized capes, complete with no-tie arm straps, were a huge hit with all the kids – ranging in age from 1 to 10. Since then, those capes have been my go-to gift for all the boys’ friends. They are super simple to make and totally versatile. My friend Melissa loved them so much that she had her own superhero birthday party not long after. These are her photos – aren’t they cool?

superhero-capesI promised when I wrote the post about that party that I’d do a tutorial for these felt, no-tie capes but I just haven’t gotten around to it until now. But, you know, since I was all about finishing what I started back in January I decided to tackle it. And since even princesses like to be superheros, I made the cape in my tutorial with a girly twist.

Superhero Cape Tutorial | One Hour Project

Want to make a super cute cape for the little superhero in your life? Check out the full post over in Bonbon Break’s MomCave.


  1. says

    love this such a great idea!!!!

  2. says

    I really have to remember this for August.
    randi recently posted…Monday Catch-UpMy Profile

  3. says

    Such a great idea! I’d love to see how you made those photo backdrops, too!
    wendy recently posted…World Cancer Day 2014My Profile

  4. says

    Very cute. The one I have in my office makes me smile. They are not just for kids.
    Terri recently posted…In My NeighborhoodMy Profile


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