13 Awesome Patriotic Wreaths

affiliateI really, really love this time of year. The 4th of July has always been a favorite holiday of mine and I love that you can start easing in to the red, white and blue spirit with Memorial Day in May. Makes early summer holiday decor super easy – two months, same theme!

All of that said, we aren’t super big on holiday decor (except our attempts at the during the winter holidays). I do a little here and there but time goes so fast that these holidays just seem to sneak up on me lately. Like, I’m still totally bummed that my spring decorations never made it out of the garage.

The one, easy thing I always try to do is have something seasonal hanging on our front door. And this time of year, patriotic wreaths are just the thing. With so many cute DIY ideas out there, the possibilities are literally endless. And who doesn’t love making a wreath, right?

In searching around and The Google, I found a TON of great ideas using every medium imaginable. I mean, seriously, I think there’s something for everyone – even the most non-crafty among us. I’ve gathered my 13 favorites here (get it? 13 stars on the first American flag?) to share with all of you. I can’t obviously make them all but maybe amongst us we can.

13 Awesome Patriotic Wreaths - chaosandlove.com
1. 4th of July Fireworks Wreath – Landeelu
2. Patriotic Cupcake Liner Wreath – The Gunny Sack
3. Patriotic Burlap Wreath – Fresh from the Chari Tree
4. Ruffly Felt Patriotic Wreath – Capital B
5. Patriotic Felt Wreath from Simply Designing with Ashley
6. Patriotic Bandana Wreath – Life in Wonderland
7. Easy Patriotic Wreath – Swell Chel
8. Patriotic Paper Straw Wreath – The Project Corner
9. Tulle 4th of July Wreath – Artsy Fartsy Mama
10. Denim Flag Wreath – Made in a Day
11. Red, White & Blue Bottlecap Wreath – Our Family Attic
12. Patriotic Clothespin Wreath – PinTriedI
13. 4th of July Licorice Wreath – Fit Crafty, Stylish & Happy


  1. says

    What an amazing roundup….I really can’t decide which one to make….I think I need to get more doors for my house! ๐Ÿ˜‰
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