iTunes, Yurbuds & FitBit: Rock Your Resolutions

I started this year off by challenging myself to 30 days of finishing what I started. I’m feeling pretty good about my progress to date. I’ve finished several half  done projects along with a few new things. I’m checking things off my list left and right. It’s awesome.

My non-30 day challenge goal for 2014 is to be healthy. This is always the goal to a certain extent but I’m really trying to take it to heart this year. I’m not setting any crazy weight loss or exercise goals – just making every effort, every day and cutting myself some slack when I’m not perfect. Feels pretty good so far.

One of my favorite “be healthy” activities is walking. It’s exercise and stress relief all rolled into one relatively sweat-free activity. In preparation for walks at lunch time (which is really the only time I have to squeeze it in), I even bought some iTunes gift cards on Black Friday to fill up my phone with walking music. Turns out I don’t need music because I have walking buddies but I’m prepared for days when I end up walking alone.

Anyway, enough about me. Let’s talk about you for a minute.

Do you have big plans to be healthy in the coming year? Would a shiny new FitBit Flex, a pair of Yurbuds and a $50 iTunes gift card help you get there? Well you’re in luck because, along with Wendy, Megan and Anna, I’m giving all three to one lucky winner.

iTunes, Yurbuds & FitBit: The Rock Your Resolutions Giveaway | Chaos & Love

Wanna enter? We’ve made it super easy with the Rafflecopter widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The fine print:
The “Rock Your Resolutions” giveaway begins Wednesday January 15 and ends at 12:00 AM on Wednesday, January 23, 2014.
Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. Void where prohibited.
All entries are optional with the exception of leaving a blog comment. We will never sell, distribute, or spam your email.
One winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter, powered by The winner will receive all three prizes: a Fitbit Flex, Yurbuds and a $50 iTunes gift card.
This is a non-sponsored post. Prizes were purchased by a group of participating bloggers. Fitbit, Yurbuds and iTunes are not affiliated with this giveaway.
This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. You understand that you are providing your information to the owner of this Facebook page and not to Facebook.
This promotion is powered by Rafflecopter. Metric Feat LLC (“Rafflecopter”) does not sponsor, administer, or endorse this promotion. Participants must read and agree to Rafflecopter’s Privacy Policy before entering and participating in this promotion.


  1. Carrie Hays says

    Working full time, being a full time mom to 2 little cuties, and the cookie aisle!

  2. Linda says

    My biggest roadblock is not enough sleep! I was going to go to the gym this morning but took a nap instead…hoping to be able to go tonight when my husband and kids are home (that doesn’t usually happen) not LOLing.

  3. Leslie says

    My biggest problem has always been hoe to stay motivated. I have no problem starting a workout regimen but keeping it up is hard. So now I’m trying to motivate myself by having rewards after a month of everyday workouts. I will get a pedi or go to lunch with a friend!

  4. Jessica says

    My biggest roadblock is being overwhelmed at work, so I spend too much time there, and not enough on myself. I just need to accept that I can’t be perfect when I am doing the job of three people. I need to just get things done to an acceptable degree and not kill myself trying to make it immaculate. Then, I can focus more on me, including not feeling too tired to go for a run or long walk.

  5. Nikki says

    I stay motivated with upbeat music. I try to download a number of songs each week to mix it up. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. RBR (@RunBeeRun1968) says

    My big roadblock as of late has been injuries. I have been battling foot issues over the last year.

  7. Deeva G says

    I look at my kids and know that I HAVE to stay healthy and active. As a single parent I am all that have. I am THE example.

  8. Patty N. says

    I’ve started taking a pole dancing class. It makes me get out of the house and go. It’s so much fun. With the two little ones it’s hard to do anything. This year my resolution is to not make that an excuse. I’ve been stretching while they are playing. They have even joined me which is way too cute.

  9. heta s says

    long nights and even longer days. there is always something else that get higher priority than workout.

  10. Danielle says

    My biggest roadblock is that I always get sore muscles/joints no matter how much I stretch. I have the lung capacity to probably jog 3+ miles a day but I always have to stop after a little bit because I have pain in my hips or legs, etc..

  11. meredith says

    my biggest roadblock is time – its hard to manage my busy schedule, my family and getting time to exercise

  12. Rachel H. says

    Being a busy mom to 2 under 2 makes it hard to stay on top of exercise…but I like to remind myself when I mess up or fall behind that I can always do better tomorrow! That really helps keep me motivated. One battle lost doesn’t mean the war is lost!

  13. Robin says

    My biggest roadblock is scheduling my day out. I have so much I want to do, I tend to let other tasks “trump” my workout. Goal this year: Keep my gym appointment! Make it a calendar event and stick to it.

  14. Heather B says

    my biggest roadblock aside from being busy with my 3 kids is staying motivated. I will do really good for awhile but the first time I miss a day all bets are off.

  15. Susan B says

    My biggest roadblock is the arthritis from previous injuries, as well as currently recovering from shoulder surgery. It’s difficult to be fit when you’re a klutz!

  16. says

    My roadblock is just when the scale doesn’t budge for a while. I have 10-15 pounds left to lose, and they are such a bummer!

    coriwestphal at msn dot com

  17. Amanda says

    My biggest roadblock to fitness is finding the time. Seems to be a theme with all of us single working moms :)

  18. Kristi says

    Definitely working full time and three kids. But enough with excuses! Gonna try and get motivated :)

  19. Tara says

    My biggest roadblock is making time for fitness! I just started taking a boot camp class at 5:30 am! I am slowly becoming a morning person.


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