Kleenex Tissue + Fighting Colds with Soup

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Kleenex tissue but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #KleenexTarget http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO

Between my husband and I, we bring a lot of respiratory issues to the gene pool and our boys inherited them like woah. Poor kids. Both were intimately familiar with the nebulizer and albuterol inhalers as babes. It was fun.

These days, the severity of their colds has been taken down a notch but it still sucks to have sick little boys. The whining is almost more than I can take some days and the running noses + barky coughs are pitiful. We do our very best to keep the boys bundled up when they are sick and pump them full of healthy food to make the sick pass quickly.

Turkey Noodle Soup + Kleenex Tissue | Chaos & Love

Sometimes they are sick enough to hang out on the couch together and watch a movie (or eight). Other times, they need a bit more activity which is when the Kleenex tissue we trust comes in. You see, not only are Kleenex tissues awesome for cleaning snotty noses, we figured out a while ago that dirty tissues make for awesome waste paper basketballs.

Turkey Noodle Soup + Kleenex Tissue | Chaos & Love

Right now, my kids are totally enamored with the holiday-themed Kleenex boxes that Joey and I found at Target over the weekend. We used this $1 off a 4-pk or larger to buy them even though the last thing we needed around here was more Kleenex. I’m a sucker for Christmas prints on every day items + my kid is  VERY convincing.

Turkey Noodle Soup + Kleenex Tissue | Chaos & Love

The most important piece of our cold remedy, though, is turkey noodle soup. Why turkey? I dunno. Just because I like it better + it was just Thanksgiving and I happened to have a whole lotta turkey in the house. This recipe totally works with chicken, though. It’s so, so simple and one of my absolute favorite things to eat – sick or not.

Turkey Noodle Soup + Kleenex Tissues | Chaos & Love

That’s pretty easy, right? Not only is it an amazing cold cure, but it’s perfect for exhausted mamas who want nothing more than something warm to eat after a long day of nurse duties. And, make your own stock and add to the healing power of this simple, classic dish.

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