Easy Breakfast with Jimmy Dean Redbox

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jimmy Dean, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #RedboxBreakfast http://cmp.ly/3/8vNxcO.

My husband, as I’ve mentioned, is a chef. His job isn’t nearly as glamorous as it sounds. He loves it, but it means lots of long days and many missed moments at home. He doesn’t get to do a lot of the fun weekend stuff like birthday parties and t-ball games and lounging around the house. Most of that is my area.


One of the few positive aspects of my husband’s job is that he’s home with the boys each morning. He gets them ready for school, feeds them, makes their lunches and sends them off for the day. I’m not sure he always thinks it’s awesome but I totally do.


In fact, I’m a tiny bit jealous. And more than that, I’m in awe. It takes me no less than two hours to get them and their stuff together just to go out on a Saturday. I cannot even imagine having to do it when there’s a time crunch. How much I struggle borders on comical.


While we’d both love it if there was time to make a home-cooked breakfast every morning, the reality is that it just doesn’t always happen. And on the days that it doesn’t, the Jimmy Dean Meat Lover’s Breakfast Bowl (filled with eggs, potatoes, sausage, cheese and bacon) comes in really handy – totally easy breakfast.


If you’re looking for an easy breakfast to feed your hungry kids, definitely check these Jimmy Dean Meat Lover’s Breakfast Bowls out – you can find them at Walmart.

In the meantime, be sure to check out Jimmy Dean all over social media:

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  1. says

    Brad had jury duty yesterday morning so I got a sneak preview of what it will be like to get out the door with a brand new baby and a three year old all on my own. I’m not exactly sure I’m excited about it. Haha.
    randi recently posted…Movie ReviewMy Profile


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