Family Command Center Inspiration

If you’ve been paying attention – and you totally should be – you will know that we are gearing up for what’s shaping up to be our busiest fall EVER. And if you’re sensing that I’m panicking a little, you’re right on. I’m not that great at adulting or juggling, quite frankly. But I should probably get an A for effort.

I’ve been all over Pinterest looking at family command center ideas. And there is some seriously awesome stuff out there. Unfortunately, lots of it requires both time and money – two things we are pretty short on these days. But I am determined to figure out something that will work (and hopefully look pretty) without a huge investment.


Things we need our command center to be —

backpack storage
key holder
calendar keeper
mail organization
holder of miscellaneous crap
notes board

So with that in mind, I set out to find some inspiration on Pinterest (no lack of that there) that would allow us to make something amazing using primarily things we already have at home + dollar store items + a few other CHEAP additions.

Here is what I found —

I love all the color and simplicity of this DIY Family Command Center from Mom on Time Out. I also love that it’s something that could pretty easily be accomplished with things we already have. What I don’t love (or need) – no place for backpacks in the table we currently have, no calendar. Those are totally easy fixes, though.

This post, How to Create a Command Center that Works for Your Family by Uncommon Designs, is awesome because it talks about the importance of personalizing and doing what works for YOUR family. There are some great ideas here for sprucing up existing pieces and just generally making things pretty. I like pretty.

This Pottery Barn-inspired command center over at Intentional Adventures would be a great fit with our current decor. I really love the monogram and the cabinet gives it a really clean look – no matter what might be jammed inside.

There are so many fun (and frugal!) ideas in this Family Command Center from Miss Frugal Fancy Pants. I am not always good at seeing the possibilities in repurposing things we have around the house, but this one definitely gives me a place to start.

I am completely in love with See Vanessa Craft’s Family Command Center. I love how light and bright it is + it has ALMOST everything we want. You can definitely expect this one to play a big part in our command center. You know, when it comes to being someday.

Does your home have a command center? What features can you not live with out?