Adventures in Pinterest: Boo Buckets!

Earlier this month, I introduced a Pinterest challenge that some bloggy buddies (Megan of MamaBub, Wendy who’s Writing a New Story, Anna of In the Next 30 Days) and I will be hosting each month. The purpose of Pinterest adventures is to provide a little motivation to try some of those millions of projects we’ve all been pinning.

Adventures in Pinterest | Monthly Pinterest Challenge

This month has been crazy a busy for me and not a little overwhelming so I had to keep it simple when choosing the project I would tackle for this challenge. Since it’s October and I’ve been craving some holiday cheer, I kept coming back to this pin from my friend (and Pinterest adventures co-host!) Wendy’s blog.

I have to admit that, prior to this post, I had never even heard of boo buckets. I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve been living under a rock or because I’ve had lame neighbors in recent years, but either way it’s all new to me. It turns out that people do this all the time in our current neighborhood which was exciting news.

The basic idea behind boo buckets if that you put together some goodies and leave them on a neighbor’s doorstep. Each bucket also contains a sign that the recipient can stick on their door so that people know they’ve already received a treat. Fun, right?

Adventures in Pinterest: Boo Buckets | Chaos & Love

The boys and I totally borrowed Wendy’s brilliant idea of including baking mix, frosting and Halloween-themed cupcake liners. We also included a pumpkin carving kit and some battery operated candles. We used a printable from Anders Ruff printable from the collection they posted last year. There are some great printables out there but I loved that this one was so neutral. The boys helped me assemble and deliver them our buckets – so much fun for all of us and a fab way to (finally) get in the spirit of Halloween.

Adventures in Pinterest: Boo Buckets | Chaos & Love

Share your Pinterest adventures!

We’d love to know what Pinterest adventures you’ve all been up to this month – link up below so we can be sure to check them all out. If you aren’t a blogger, but want to share your photos and a link to the original pin. I’d be happy to share for you!




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