Harry Potter iPad Sleeve | Pinterest Project

My husband is a gift card person. They are his go to gift – both for himself and for others. And sometimes I am totally okay with that. But other times I want something more personal. Especially when it comes to people who “get it”.

My brothers-in-law are those people. While they’d be totally happy with store-bought gifts, they swoon over handmade items. And I’m always happy to oblige because I know I can make things that are fun and whimsical. I imagine this is like making gifts for my boys will probably be in 20 years.

Simple padded iPad sleeve with felt accents. This quick and easy project is a great, inexpensive gift idea!

When I saw these DIY Harry Potter Kindle Covers from Practically Functional on Pinterest, I just knew I had to recreate them for my Harry Potter loving brother-in-law. And because it’s such a genius idea, I decided to change the concept up a bit to also make a Pokemon character for the other brother-in-law.

I didn’t follow the tutorial exactly because I have a padded iPad sleeve pattern I knew would work for the base. I cut a sheet of paper down to size and free-handed the design for the Harry Potter and Eevee designs. That part was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Even for a person with less than stellar drawing abilities like mine.

The iPad sleeves came out really well in the end. Rather than gluing the felt as in the tutorial, I used fusible interfacing which seemed to work well except you have to be careful not to melt the felt with the iron. Even without the changes, I’d recommend trying this project. It’s pretty simple, even for a beginning crafter.

Simple padded iPad sleeve with felt accents. This quick and easy project is a great, inexpensive gift idea!

Thanks for checking out my Pinterest Adventure for July. We’d love to connect with you on Pinterest!

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