Adventures in Pinterest Monthly Challenge

We all know that Pinterest is a fantastic tool for curating content you find floating around the web, yes? The number of things out there to pin is limited only by the dreaded end of the internets and most of us have bajillions of awesome things already on our Pinterest boards.

Crock Pot Applesauce from Skinnytaste? Pin it!


Awesome idea for fall teacher gifts from Club Chica Circle? Pin those!


14 Ways to Cut your Food Budget from FamilyShare? Pin that, too.


Here’s the thing, though. What comes next? Do you actually make that dill pickle dip or those DIY dog beds? If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably, “almost never.” Sigh.

That “shouldn’t make the stuff we pin more often” discussion is precisely the one Anna, Megan, Wendy and I were having when we thought up this monthly make something, ANYTHING, you have pinned on Pinterest challenge. That’s all there is to it. Just pick something you have pinned, make it happen (or not, as is sometimes the case with Pinterest projects), and report back at the end of the month.

Adventures in Pinterest | Monthly Pinterest Challenge

Sounds easy enough right? We’d love to have you join us this month’s for Adventures in Pinterest challenge. It’s kind of the perfect time with the onset of fall and the holidays coming. Pick something you’ve been dying to make get busy.

By the way, not a blogger? No worries. the link your original pin and a photo of your finished project. I’d be happy to post them here.

In the meantime, hop on over to Pinterest and follow us to see what might be up our sleeves for this month’s project. We’ll each be choosing something and posting it later this month – stay tuned for the date the linky will go live!

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  1. says

    I have followed all your Pinterest boards. Love your blog and Pinterest. The contents are substantial!

    I have a Pinterest, too. It is all about kids crafts. Come and have a look if you are interested. : )

    Jenny Shine recently posted…The Sunshine AwardMy Profile



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