A couple of days ago on , I teased an awesome party here on the blog like the one my friends, The Caffeinated Crafters, and I did for the 4th of July. Well, friends, here it is. A virtual Back to School Bash thrown by some of the most creative people I know! Are you ready?
You’re going to want to check out ALL of this awesome!
Back to School Teacher Tote – Artzy Creations
Back to School Fashion – Illistyle
Five Ways to Go Back To School as a Grown-Up – Let’s Eat Grandpa
1st Day of School Party + Printables | Made with HAPPY
School Days Cross Stitch Pattern | Albion Gould
Easy Pencil Craft Idea for Back-to-School | Club Chica Circle
Now that you’ve done that, you’re probably wondering what fun thing I have in store for you. It’s a good one. Super versatile, personalized, NO SEW pencil pouches. I mean, what kid doesn’t go through 25 of these in a school year? Lose it, trash it, get bored of it? No worries. These are cheap and can be made with things you probably already have in your house.
What You Need:
Duct Tape (I like Duck Brand)
Rotary Cutter, Mat and Ruler
What You Do:
1. Lay one gallon zip bag flat.
2. Fold bottom of bag toward top so bag is approximately in half. Use small piece of tape to secure.
3. Lay tape across top of folded bag in whatever design you choose. Except for top, zip edge, tape pieces should be 1-2″ longer than your bag width for sealing and trimming.
4. Trim tape leaving about 1/4″ beyond edge of bag.
5. Repeat tape pattern on back side.
6. Use your finger tip/nail to secure edges around bag and zipper edges.
7. Fill it up and you’re done!